Web Developer | UX/UI Designer

Jennifer Cooley

From website design and development, to branding and strategy, my expertise lies in creating experiences that delight the user.

my services

Website Design

Building with a "mobile first" mantra, I create websites that bridge the gap between what clients need and what their users crave. Together we'll develop a set of meaningful KPIs and build a website around them to  strengthen your brand and increase your conversions.

Website Design

Research and an understanding of your market is key to the foundation of any website, whether it's a brand new company or just time for a new look. Using the latest technologies and the best web practices, I will create sites that work for you.

Branding & Logo

Your brand is your 15 second elevator pitch, when you're not even in the building. A strong logo can stand on it's own and gain the kind of brand recognition that makes your business stand out in a competitive market.

UX/UI Design
Your website needs to make an impression within seconds of a user hitting it. Ensuring that everything they need is easy to find and even easier to use is what keeps them there and can drastically increase your conversion rates.
Built From Scratch

Every website requires a unique look and feel that speaks to their brand. Built around your company's goals and unique customer base, each website is custom tailored to your needs. 

Choose a Premade Template

Don't have the time or budget for a custom website? Not a problem,  premade templates can be customized to fit your brand without the cost of a full website build.

Maintenance & Updates
A new website requires ongoing maintenance and updates in order to continue working for you. I have plans and guides to help you as much, or as little, as you need to keep things running smoothly.

Website Development

Quality tested, approved and viable on all browsers and devices. Each website is built with these core principles in mind. Using well-known frameworks and tested code ensures your website is working for you.

Featured Work

Website Redesign

Event Rental Company

With the market becoming increasingly competitive, this rental company was looking to expand into corporate events. They needed a new look that wasn't singularly aimed at weddings to help push them into a new market. 

Website Redesign

Digital Agency Website

When it came time for this agency to update it's web presence, data was at the forefront of the discussion. They wanted to restate that their business strategy was based on the deep dive into data they approached each job with.

Let's Start Something new
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